Paint Pro

by JustKeepAiming



Do you remember MS Paint? This is the same, but of course, it is better and handy!With it, you can create a painting that you can save and share to your friends, loved ones, and colleagues — and even paint online!
★ Hard / Opaque PenWith the block pen, you can create solid lines — just like with MS Paint’s regular pencil tool. It is excellent in doing line artwork or regular lettering tasks.
★ Medium Soft / Semi-Transparent PenThis is what separates the Paint app from the regular MS Paint program. It is capable of transparency. And with the medium soft pen, you can add more drama to your masterpiece.
You can create soft edges with the medium soft pen. Aside from that, you can do some minor color blending.
Aside from the transparency, the pen is also speed sensitive. The faster you swipe with your fingers, the more transparent the “ink” will be. Holding your pen or finger on the screen on the same place will result to a “thicker” or more solid color.
On a technical aspect, every time you coat the canvas with this pen, the additional coat will add to the opaqueness or thickness of the previous coat — just like using a soft lead pencil or a semi-transparent brush tool in Photoshop.
Due to those features, it is excellent to create shadings in the Paint app. With a little bit of practice, you will be able to create fine drawings and doodles using your Android smartphone or tablet.
★ Soft / Transparent PenThis pen is similar to the previous one, but it is much softer and more transparent. It is excellent for adding finishing touches and creating subtle shades and color to your work.
★ Four Brush / Pen Sizes and Paint ColoursThe app has four main brush sizes: small, medium, large, and extra-large. The application has 29 paint colors and 1 “transparent” color that you can use to erase parts of your painting.
★ Unlimited Undo and ClearIn case that you want to change something or undo a line, you can just press the handy “Undo” button. If ever you want to start over and create a new painting, just press the “Clear” (trash bin) button.
★ Quick Save and ShareFinished with your work? Just save the file. On the other hand, you can just press the “Share” button and show your work to your loved ones. Your doodle can be shared and sent via MMS, email, and other chat applications such as Skype.

► Currently, the app is still in its early stages, and it is still undergoing development. The features of the current version are still limited; however, it is still able to fulfill its purpose. In case that you want to see something new in it or add a new function, just give us a message.